There are many ways to give to this important effort: online, check, automatic transfer from bank, stock, securities, real estate or bequest. You may create a giving circle or make a focused, restricted gift. The major options are explained below. Your gift to the Endowment Fund is tax-deductible in the USA. 7% of each gift towards the permanent endowment will be put in the term endowment. The term endowment covers administrative and campaign costs. Any surplus in the term endowment will eventually benefit the purpose of the permanent endowment.

Giving circles

You may sign a Giving Circle, either individually or with a group of friends and supporters. A Giving Circle is a promise to collect $ 100,000 over a time-span of one or several years of coordinated effort. Giving Circles have the prospect of freeing up an additional $ 25,000 for every $ 100,000 collected! Thanks to the Stead family, a major donor to the Endowment Fund, your own giving will be increased by an additional quarter (4:1).

You may sign up a giving circle here.


Focus gifts (restricted) and naming

You or your church may have a special missional relationship to an existing UM institution of theological education or a specific country or episcopal area. You may be interested to focus your giving to that particular purpose. Such restricted gifts are possible for amounts of at least $ 100,000.

You may also be interested in establishing scholarships in your name or in honor of another person. Such naming is possible for amounts of at least $ 100,000.

The Endowment Fund has established clear policies on restricted gifts and naming. If you are interested in such an option, please inform us of your intent and contact us here. We are happy to share with you how to proceed according to your interest.

Participating in campaign committees

The Endowment Fund has been establishing campaign committees in different regions of the USA and outside the USA. This is an additional possibility how you can support our effort. If you are interested to know more about becoming a co-worker in the campaign, please contact us here.

Please visit the Resources tab where you will find links to donor documents and forms.

Tithing and first fruit support

Around the world, recipients of support have decided to give a percentage towards the Endowment Fund. Thus, the Commission on Central Conference Theological Education Fund (CCTEF) has regularly supported the Endowment Fund. Such tithing may also be attractive for local church or annual conference partnerships across continents. It will allow to continue immediate direct support of projects and also build up a long-term sustainable support by tithing to the endowment. If you want to know more about possibilities of tithing and support of first fruits, please contact us at

Major gifts

As with the generous support from the Stead family, we welcome journeying with you in your discernment of making a major gift towards the Endowment Fund. Your giving will have lasting influence for future generations of clergy in The United Methodist Church. Please contact us here. One of our senior board members will respond.

Donor Giving

All around the world, persons have already contributed to the Endowment Fund! Individual giving, Giving Circles and tithing on project support have been contributed from Africa, Europe and the Philippines, in addition to growing support from the USA!

Background on the endowment effort is given in the section Present Challenge.

The life changing impact of theological education can be seen in the section on Future Impact.

For additional information, have a look at the section on Resources.